We believe that the words: Child, Trust, Freedom, Responsibility, Critical Thinking, Self-Confidence, Empathy require a capital letter!

Povratak prirodi (Return to Nature) is a unique kindergarten with more than 10 years of experience in implementing  its own pedagogical philosophy.  The program of Povratak prirodi is accredited by the Ministry of Education and Technological Development. We are settled at 3 locations in Belgrade: Zemunski salaš, Dunav Platz, Voždova palata.

Our upbringing philosophy and integrative programs are built as a response to the authentic children’s needs. Every year, we create the program for our children – the children of Povratak prirodi. The program is designed and delivered by the educators: pedagogues, defectologists, psychologists, professors of music, professors of foreign languages, artists, biologists, geographers, literary professors, anthropologists, preschool teachers. Are you wondering what is a geography teacher, marine biologist or violinist doing in one kindergarten? Find out by clicking here.


The educational and upbringing concept of Povratak prirodi is consisted of two levels – care of the children`s nature and care of the planet. We strive to bring nature closer to the city children. Thus, our practice is to organize outdoor activities on a daily basis in order to provide learning in natural environment. Children of Povratak prirodi learn outdoor, through exploring, thinking green, using natural materials, without fear of getting dirty.

This environment is encouraging and suitable for development of a true child`s nature, liberated of the false needs of the consumer society – a child needs a play and friends, rather than having an expensive toy!

P.S. Speaking about the toys – why would a child play with a plastic animal, when it can cuddle a gecko or water a plant instead?  In Povratak prirodi, we avoid commercial toys that offer one-click solutions. Our children play with the cardboard boxes, seed, plants, recycled materials, soil, sand … In our house, there are also: chess, puzzles, constructors, or children’s personal favorite toys which they like to bring every Monday.


For us – kindergarten is our home. We spend a big part of the day at the kindergarten, so it is important that both children and adults feel comfortable at it. If there are no doors to which a child cannot knock at their home, why would such barriers exist in the kindergarten?

In Povratak prirodi, the whole place is at the disposal of children. They change spaces every day, as well as the teachers they work with. In our house, the walls are not boundaries, but the platforms for creativity and artwork.

Our spaces and yards are additional educators. Together with the programs, the enterior and exterior are constantly changing throughout the year, with the active participation of children. Colorful walls with childrens’ marks are important for the creative upbringing and the development of both self-confidence and aesthetic taste of a child.


Povratak prirodi (Return to Nature) refers to two upbringing processes we nurture. One includes the particular approach towards the individual nature of every child. A child acquires knowledge only if it is in accordance with its own nature. This is hardly possible if the adults are imposing the information that is not primarily close to a child’s needs and interests. A child learns when it has a freedom to explore and to discover on his/her own. We call this approach ‘learning through projects’, children see it as – learning by playing.

The other part of our Return to Nature concept refers to Nature itself. The urban environment and urban lifestyle alienate people not only from Nature, but also from themselves. Our mission is to return Nature to a city child. When it develops connection and relationship with Nature at early age, a city child carries it in its heart for the whole life. We offer Nature as an alternative for urban contents such as cartoons, video games, commercial toys. Nature opens a child’s mind and strengthens its attention, while urban contents diminish it. Learn more: THINKING GREEN/ECO ACTIVISM


Each child is a precious, unique individual who develops according to its own rhythm and capacities. We believe that children make choices which are close to their actual needs. This is why the interests of each child are carefully monitored.

Besides the predefined program goals, it is important to let the goals define themselves during the free activities. This allows children, the active participants of the program, to achieve goals in accordance with their nature and immediate needs.

In the upbringing process individual differences and personal needs must be respected. This does not mean that the children can do all they want, but that the inner feeling of joy and pleasure of discovering are essential for development and learning process. Only when a child is an active partner of the upbringing process, it feels important, and its self-esteem is being built. This is a key part of the adult’s authority as well. We believe that we gain authority and deserve respect solely by respecting the child.

Learning about discipline and adapting to the others are very important aspects of the upbringing. Children easily accept the behavior rules if they are logical and derived from the group dynamics. Discipline is not a law imposing without explanation, but it rises from the needs of a whole group, as well as the needs of each group member.

Freedom is an imperative. We insist on creative freedom, and freedom as a whole, respecting the rule „the right to swing my arms in any direction ends where your nose begins”.


A child is an active participant and a partner in the upbringing process. Motivated by the inner needs, striving to accomplish its real nature, a child primarily needs the freedom of self-expression. It needs the space and time to explore: our responsibility is to provide them the adequate contents and workshops, to make them feel safe and encourage their curiosity.

Child’s VS Adult’s learning

An adult person has a vast knowledge to pass on, but it does not mean that a child does not have it as well. How are the adults and children different? While the adult enters each learning process with the pre-planned idea and goals, the child has a different perspective. It is not preoccupied with the goal itself, but it rather enjoys the action, according to its own interests and talents. Therefore, the educator has to be truly curious about the interests of a child. We believe that children`s choices are close to their real needs and with an active monitoring approach of the individual interests, we can achieve the upbringing goals.


For us, children’s sovereignty means that every child has a right to develop according to its own nature and needs. A child has a right “to be a subject in its own life, not an object in the lives of the others”. Since the children are fundamentally dependent, they must fit into the world in which they are growing up. Even though they cannot have a decision-making power and control, children need to have a sensation of freedom to pursue their own path and to progress at their own pace. To have a freedom means to freely be who you are and to become what you want and what you can become.



Spending time in our kindergarten includes daily workshops with educators and professional associates. We provide children with breakfast, fruit snack, lunch and dessert. We are supporters of healthy and domestic cuisine. Well-balanced meals are being prepared by our chefs, according to the recommendations by the nutritionist. Besides the active part of the day, resting time or time for quiet activities (for children who do not sleep) is also provided.